Warning: This page will allways be under development... sorry for the broken links ;-)
My name is Zoran Constantinescu and this is,
actually it should be :-) my home page. I'll try to put here as much
information as possible about me and my work. Since I don't like
to talk about me, most of the information will be about projects
I developed sometimes or I'm developing now. Of course, as always
an exception exists, here is a link to my
curriculum vitae, and to my
list of publications.
I am working as an associate professor at
Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti (UPG),
Department of Informatics, Information Technology, Mathematics and Physics (iTIMF).
I am also the director of the CerTIMF Research Center (old site CerTIMF).
I am also working part-time as R&D Manager for ZealSoft Ltd., Bucharest.
Research Interests:
As a computer science graduate, my main field of interest is, of
course, ... computer science. I mostly consider it as a
hobby. Other, more specific interests are:
... autonomic computing systems, real time and embedded intelligent systems
... digital electronics and microcontrollers based design and programming
... computer networking and communication protocols, Internet technologies
... human behaviour understanding
... plants understanding
... system dynamics analysis
... parallel and distributed programming, clustering, desktop grid computing
... and the penguin... I am a Linux enthusiast since 1994 (20+ years).
I finished my PhD in Computer Science in 2008, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Trondheim, Department of Computer and Information Sciences
(NTNU), Division of Intelligent Systems.
My topic of research was using distributed computing for large scale
scientific visualization. A short description can be found here, and the full thesis can be downloaded from here (pdf).
Current Projects:
- Greenlin - development of an indoor vertical farming system
- HyRok - development of a hybrid rocket engine - a research project financed by the Romanian Space Agency
- CerTIMF - Head of CerTIMF Research Center, iTIMF Department, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti - Embedded and deep learning AI projects
- Supervising Bachelor and Masters theses in Computer Science at the iTIMF Department, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti
- Gipix - GPS/GSM vehicle tracking device and integrated monitoring system, eCall ready - photo gallery
- 3D printer - RepRap diy printer (video)
- Cooking - some of the cooking i've done.
Old Projects:
These are projects I worked sometime ago, either at the University as
a student, at work at companies or other smaller or larger hacking projects.
- ... ...
list of publications 2014
... ...
Monica Vladiou, Zoran Constantinescu, Daniela Danciulescu,
Career Tracks and Job Requirements in Information Systems vs. ACM/AIS IS 2010 Curriculum Guidelines: An Empirical Study,
28th International Conference on Information Systems Development, ISD 2019, Toulon, France, 28-30 August 2019.
Gabriela Moise, Monica Vladiou, Zoran Constantinescu,
Towards Construction of Creative Collaborative Teams Using Multiagent Systems,
27th International Conference on Information Systems Development, ISD 2018, Lund, Sweeden, 22-24 August 2018.
Zoran Constantinescu, Monica Vladiou
Towards Effective and Efficient Data Management in Embedded Systems and Internet of Things,
27th International Conference on Information Systems Development, ISD 2018, Lund, Sweeden, 22-24 August 2018.
Monica Vladiou, Gabriela Moise, Zoran Constantinescu,
Towards Building Creative Collaborative Learning Groups Using Reinforcement Learning,
27th International Conference on Information Systems Development, ISD 2018, Lund, Sweeden, 22-24 August 2018.
Monica Vladiou, Gabriela Moise, Zoran Constantinescu,
Towards a Systematic Approach of Relational Database Watermarking,
27th International Conference on Information Systems Development, ISD 2018, Lund, Sweeden, 22-24 August 2018.
Gabriela Moise, Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu,
Building the Most Creative and Innovative Collaborative Groups Using Bayes Classifiers
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful ..., 2017.
Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, Gabriela Moise
A New Collaborative Paradigm of Computer Science Student Contests: An Experience
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful ..., 2017.
Zoran Constantinescu, Simona Nicoara, Monica Vladoiu, Gabriela Moise
Computer science student contests: Individuals or teams?
16th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, RoEduNet 2017. Bucharest, Romania, September 2017.
Zoran Constantinescu, Monica Vladoiu, Gabriela Moise,
VizNet - Dynamic Visualization of Networks and Internet of Things,
15th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research, RoEduNet 2016. Bucharest, Romania, 7-9 September 2016.
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, Gabriela Moise,
Structuri de date fundamentale (ro),
Editura Universitatii Petrol-Gaze din Ploiestii 2016, ISBN 978-973-719-664-4
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, Gabriela Moise,
Ingineria programarii. Fundamente. Partea I (ro),
Editura Universitatii Petrol-Gaze din Ploiestii 2015, ISBN 978-973-719-609-5
- Gabriela Moise, Zoran Constantinescu, Monica Vladoiu, Marius Dumitru,
Networking si securitate (ro),
Editura Universitatii Petrol-Gaze din Ploiestii 2015, ISBN 978-973-719-607-1
Gabriela Moise, Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu,
GC-MAS - a Multiagent System for Building Creative Groups used in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning,
8th International KES Conference on Agents and Multi-agent Systems, Technologies and Applications, AMSTA 2014. Chania, Greece, 18-20 June 2014. Springer, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing series.
- Constantinescu Z., Vladoiu M.,
Challenges in Safety, Security, and Privacy in the Development of Vehicle Tracking Systems,
International Workshop on Systems, Safety and Security for Automotive, Passengers and Good Protection, IWSSS 2013, 17th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing Joint Conference SINTES 17, SACCS 13, SIMSIS 17, 11 - 13 October 2013, Sinaia, Romania
- Moise G., Vladoiu M., Constantinescu Z.,
MASECO . a Multi-Agent System for Evaluation and Classification of OERs and OCW Based on Quality Criteria,
in e-Learning Paradigms and Applications - Agent-based Approach, chapter, Springer, 2013, ISBN 978-3-642-41964-5
- Zoran Constantinescu, Gabriela Moise,
Criptarea informatiei. Ghid practic (ro),
Editura Universitatii Petrol-Gaze din Ploiestii 2013, ISBN 978-973-719-522-7
- Gabriela Moise, Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu,
Toward Increasing Learning Groups' Creativity within Computer Supported Collaborative Learning,
The Romanian Journal for Baltic and Nordic Studies, in press (2013)
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, Gabriela Moise,
QORECT - a Case-Based Framework for Quality-based Recommending OCW and OERs,
C. Bradic., N. T. Nguyen, and M. Brezovan (eds.): ICCCI 2013, LNAI 8083, pp. 681-690. Springer, Heidelberg (2013)
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu,
Towards Assessment of Open Educational Resources and Open Courseware based on a Socio-Constructivist Quality Model,
OTM 2013, SOMOCO 2013, Graz, Austria, LNCS Series, in press (2013)
- Zoran Constantinescu, Monica Vladoiu,
Evaluation and Comparison of Eight Open Courseware Based on a Quality Model
, eLSE 2013 (9th International Conference eLearning and Software for Education), april 2013, Bucharest, Romania
- Zoran Constantinescu, Monica Vladoiu, Bilingual Subject-based Information Retrieval in NECLIB2 Digital Library, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT), vol. 3, no. 4, july-august 2012, ISSN: 2231-2803
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, Evaluation and Comparison of Three Open Courseware Based on Quality Criteria - ppt, 3rd International Workshop on
Quality in Web Engineering (QWE 2012), Berlin, Germany, 2012
- Zoran Constantinescu, Monica Vladoiu, MNECLIB2 - A Classical Music Digital Library, International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECECE 2011), Paris, France, August 24-26, 2011
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, Open Digital Library on Digital Libraries, 10th International Conference Romanian Educational Network - RoEduNet, pp. 209-214, Iasi, Romania, 2011
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, u-Learning within a Context-Aware Multiagent Environment, International journal of Computer Networks and Communications (IJCNC), January 2011, Volume 3, Number 1, pp. 1-15
- Zoran Constantinescu, Monica Vladoiu, The BMIF Journal's Online Peer Review System, Bulletin of
PG University of Ploiesti, Series Mathematics, Informatics, Physics, ISSN 1224-4899, e-ISSN
2067-242X, vol. LXI, no. 1/2010, pp. 27-32
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, Learning with a Context-Aware Multiagent System, 9th
Int.l Conference Romanian Educational Network - RoEduNet, Sibiu, Romania, 2010
- Monica Vladoiu, Jörg Cassens, Zoran Constantinescu, FACE - A Knowledge-Intensive Case-Based
Architecture for Context-Aware Services, F. Zavoral et al. (Eds.), 2nd Int.l Conference on
Networked Digital Technologies - NDT 2010, Prague, Czech Republic, Part II, Computer
and Information Science Series - CCIS 88, pp. 533-544, Springer, Heidelberg, 2010
- Zoran Constantinescu, Cristian Marinoiu, Monica Vladoiu, Driving style analysis using data mining
techniques, in International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (IJCCC),
ISSN 1841.9836; E-ISSN 1841.9844, Supplementary Issue ICCCC 2010
- Zoran Constantinescu, Monica Vladoiu, A Solution for Improving Communications in Desktop Grid
Systems, Bulletin of PG University of Ploiesti, Series Mathematics, Informatics, Physics,
ISSN 1224-4899, e-ISSN 2067-242X, vol. LXI, no. 2/2009, pp. 27-32
- Zoran Constantinescu, Monica Vladoiu, Adaptive Compression for Remote Visualization, Bulletin of
PG University of Ploiesti, Series Mathematics, Informatics, Physics, ISSN 1224-4899, e-ISSN
2067-242X, vol. LXI, no. 2/2009, pp. 49-58
- Zoran Constantinescu, Monica Vladoiu, Experimenting with Visualization on Desktop Grids,
Bulletin of PG University of Ploiesti, Technical Series, ISSN 1224-8495, vol. LXI, nr. 3/2009,
pp. 255-260
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, Availability of Computational Resources for Desktop Grid
Computing, Bulletin of PG University of Ploiesti, Series Mathematics, Informatics, Physics,
ISSN 1224-4899, vol. LXI, no. 1/2009, pp. 43-48
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, Development Journey of QADPZ - A Desktop Grid
Computing Platform, in International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control
(IJCCC), ISSN 1841.9836; E-ISSN 1841.9844, Vol IV, No. 1/2009, pp 82-91;
- Zoran Constantinescu, Monica Vladoiu, C. Negoita, Overview of Desktop Grid Systems, Bulletin of
PG University of Ploiesti, Series Mathematics, Informatics, Physics, ISSN 1224-4899, vol.
LX, no. 1/2008, pp. 39-48;
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, An Extended Master-Worker Model for a Desktop Grid
Computing Platform (QADPZ), in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Software
and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2008), July, Porto, Portugal, ISBN 978-989-8111-51-7, Vol.
I, pp. 169-174;
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, Toward Location-based Services using GPS-based Devices,
in Proceedings of ICWN 2008 - the 2008 International Conference of Wireless Networks, a
Conference of World Congress on Engineering 2008 (WCE 2008), July, London, UK, ISBN
978-988-98671-9-5, Vol. I, pp. 799-804;
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu, A Taxonomy for Desktop Grids from Users Perspective, in
Proceedings of ICPDC 2008 - the 2008 International Conference of Parallel and Distributed
Computing, a Conference of World Congress on Engineering 2008 (WCE 2008), July,
London, UK, ISBN 978-988-98671-9-5, Vol. I, pp. 599-604;
- Monica Vladoiu, Zoran Constantinescu -
Framework For Building Of A Dynamic User Community
(ePH), in Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(ICEIS 2008), June, Barcelona, Spain, ISBN 978-989-8111-48-7, pp. 73-78;
- Zoran Constantinescu -
Adaptive Compression for Remote Visualization.
submitted for publication.
- Zoran Constantinescu -
Towards an Autonomic Distributed Computing System.
Workshop on "Autonomic Computing Systems", ACS'2003
September 1-5 2003, Prague, Chech Republic.
- Jörg Cassens, Zoran Constantinescu -
Free Software: An Adequate Form of Software for Research and Education in Informatics?
LinuxTag 2003 Conference,
July 10-13 2003, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Jörg Cassens, Zoran Constantinescu -
It's Magic: SourceMage GNU/Linux as a High Performance Cluster OS.
LinuxTag 2003 Conference,
July 10-13 2003, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Zoran Constantinescu -
A Message Passing Interface for the QADPZ Distributed Computing System.
submitted for publication.
- Zoran Constantinescu, Jens Holmen, Pavel Petrovic -
Using Distributed Computing in Computational Fluid Dynamics
ParCFD 2003
Conference, May 13-15 2003, Moscow, Russia.
- Zoran Constantinescu, Pavel Petrovic -
Q2ADPZ * An Open Source, Multi-platform System for Distributed Computing.
ACM Crossroads student magazine,
Issue 9.2, winter 2002.
- Zoran Constantinescu, Gerthory Toussaint -
The Dynamics of Computer Virus Infection: A System Dynamics Perspective
Graduate course DIS1007 - System Dynamics, NTNU, May. 2002.
- Zoran Constantinescu, Pavel Petrovic, Atle Pedersen -
Q2ADPZ * An Open system for distributed computing.
NordU2002 Conference,
February 18-22 2002, Helsinki, Finland.
- Zoran Constantinescu -
Levels of Detail: An Overview.
The Journal of LANA,
No. 5, Nov. 2000.
- Zoran Constantinescu -
Software Process in Virtual Software Corporations
Graduate course DIF8902 - Software Process Modeling, NTNU, Dec. 1999.
- Zoran Constantinescu -
SIDER - Search Engine for the Romanian Web Space.
Manuscript (still) in progress, 1999.
- Zoran Constantinescu, Constantin Stanciu -
JScm * Scheme Compiler for the Java Virtual Machine
Scientific Conference for Students, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, 1997
- Zoran Constantinescu -
Using continuations in compiling Scheme programs
Computer Science dipl.eng. thesis, "Politehnica" University of Bucharest, 1997
- Zoran Constantinescu, Constantin Stanciu -
UnixVision * An Object Oriented User Interface for Unix.
3rd Romanian Conference on Open Systems (ROSE'95), 1995
- Jörg Cassens, Zoran Constantinescu -
Free Software: An Adequate Form of Software for Research and Education in Informatics?
LinuxTag 2003 Conference,
July 10-13 2003, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Zoran Constantinescu, Jörg Cassens -
It's Magic: SourceMage GNU/Linux as a High Performance Cluster OS.
LinuxTag 2003 Conference,
July 10-13 2003, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Zoran Constantinescu -
Using Distributed Computing in Computational Fluid Dynamics
- ParCFD 2003, Moscow, May 14th, 2003.
- Zoran Constantinescu -
QADPZ - An Open System for Distributed Computing
- SINTEF, Unimed, Jan. 2003.
- Jörg Cassens, Zoran Constantinescu -
ClustIS - Computational Cluster for Intelligent Systems
- NTNU - Aktivitetsuka, Feb. 2002.
- Zoran Constantinescu -
CSE meeting (2)
- NTNU - IDI, Nov. 2001.
- Zoran Constantinescu -
CSE meeting (1)
- NTNU - IDI, Jun. 2001.
- Zoran Constantinescu -
WIM Workshop, Trakai, Lithuania - june 2001
- Zoran Constantinescu -
CSGSC'2001 Conference, Trondheim, Norway - may 2001
- Zoran Constantinescu -
How to Lie with Scientific Visualization
- NTNU - IDI, Oct. 2000.
- Zoran Constantinescu -
Visualization in Scientific Computing (Scientific Visualization)
- NTNU - IDI, Jan. 2000.
Academic Background:
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